domenica 2 marzo 2014

Këshillat Kineze për një shtëpi sa më relaksuese

Feng shui mund t’ju ndihmojë që shtëpia të duket më mirë, ju jep energjinë dhe njëkohësisht ju relakson.

Feng shui, praktika antike kineze e rregullimit të hapësirës në harmoni me rrjedhën natyrore të energjisë mund t’ju ndihmojë në jetën e përditshme, që në hapësirën tuaj të ndiheni më këndshëm dhe të mbushur me energji pozitive.

Për fillim, harroni në parregullsinë kreative sepse tërheq energjinë negative, caktojeni vendin për çdo gjë në shtëpi dhe energjia do të fillojë të qarkullojë më mirë. Njëlloj kështu edhe pluhuri dhe papastërtitë mbledhin vibrime të këqija dhe kanë ndikim negativ në shëndet.

Gjërat e thyera dhe që nuk rregullohen në shtëpi janë burim shumë i fortë i energjisë së keqe, prandaj largojini sa më parë që mundeni.

Zgjidhni me kujdes ngjyrat në shtëpinë tuaj që ngjyrat e shumta të mos ua lodhin sytë dhe trurin sepse shkaktojnë grindje dhe nervozë. Të mjaftueshme janë dy ngjyrat e murit të cilat duhet të përputhen, ku njëra të jetë më e fortë dhe tjetra më relaksuese. Bëni kujdes që të keni sa më shumë ndriçim natyral, i cili për dallim nga ai artificial sjell harmoni dhe disponim të ndritshëm.

Banesën dekorojeni me lule në dhomën e ditës ose ballkon sepse ajo tërheq lumturinë dhe energjinë e mirë. Por nëse vendosni lule të thata do të kenë efekt të kundërt, prandaj largojini.

Një këshillë për fund: dyert e banjës gjithmonë t’i mbani të mbyllura që energjia ujore e banjës të mos mbushë pjesën tjetër të banesës.

sabato 1 marzo 2014

E pabesueshme!! 5 produktet e bukurise me te rrezikshme...

Nuk dini kurre se çfare kremi te zgjidhni per fytyren, apo çfare lloji shampoje apo produkte te tjera per fytyren dhe floket? Ndoshta eshte me mire te informohemi me pare se çfare nuk duhet te zgjedhim.

Kete artikull e lexova ne faqe te huaj para disa ditesh dhe zbulova se disa nga produktet kozmetike me te perdorura (disa qe une personalisht kam perdorur e vazhdoj te perdor) jane tejet te demshme per lekuren.

Ju lutem lexojeni artikullin deri ne fund dhe shperndajeni per te informuar miqte tuaj. Duhet te mesohemi te behemi konsumatore me te ndergjegjshem!

Perse keto artikuj jane te demshem? Per faktin se permbajne substanca te demshme kimike dhe silikon (te krijuar kimikisht ne laborator, te cilat ju premtojne bukuri, por ne realitet demtojne dalengadale lekuren ose floket tuaj.

Ja 5 prodhimet kozmetike qe jane te demshme per lekuren:

-Krem me parafine dhe silikon Nivea, Glysolid, Dove, Vichy, Leocrema etj Nuk hidratojne
Krijojne nje ndjesi freskie dhe lekure te lemuar, por ne realitet eshte silikoni ai qe jep kete ndjesi. Ne realitet lekura jone thahet me teper pikerisht saje silikonit dhe llojit te parafinave qe permbajne keto kreme.

Ne vend te 4 poziciopnohet vaji i flokeve (cristalli liquidi, semi di lino)
Keto konfeksione nuk permbajne vetem vaj lini, por edhe silikon te paster, qe u jep flokeve shkelqimin, por eshte thjesht nje "maske" qe fsheh gjendjen reale te flokeve, te demtuar, te thate... Perveç te tjerash floket behen shume shpejt pis: ato duken te lyrshem ne rrenjet dhe te thate e te demtuar ne maja.
Ne vend te trete shampo: Herbal Essence, Pantene, Sunsilk, Elvive, Biopoint etj. Jane produkte agresive, pasi permbajne shume kripe dhe elemente te tjera te demshme te cilat i stresojne dhe i thajne floket tuaj.
duke krijuar iritim dhe kruarje (ketu mund te konfirmoj eksperiencen time personale me keto produkte, natyrisht negative) ndonjehere dhe zbokth.
Mes perberesve kryesore permbajne Dimenthikon dhe formaldeide, te cilat jene provuar shkencerisht si kancerogjene.
Ne vend te dyte pozicionohet balsami per buzet labello me baze dylli mikrokristalin dhe paraffinum liquidum
jashtezakonisht te demshem ne buzet tona pasi mund edhe te gelltiten. Labello krijon varesi, pasi sa me teper perdoret aq me teper buzet tona thahen e aq me teper kemi nevoje ta perdorim...

Ne vend te pare qendron Olio (Vaj) Johnson’s Baby. Ta quash vaj eshte e tepert, sepse ne realitet nuk 
permban asnje lloj vaji por vetem parafine te lengshme. Nuk eshte aspak hidratant, perkundrazi, than lekuren, krijon pika te zeza dhe puçra.

Pra miq te dashur, perpara se ta mbyll artikullin, ju keshilloj te kontrolloni gjithmone etiketat. Zakonisht ne keto te fundit shenohen ne fillim te listes elementet me perqindje me te larte permbajtjeje. Pra nese ne elementet kryesore do te shihni: paraffina liquida ose  silicone si psh dimethicone, mos i blini keto produkte pasi demtojne lekuren apo flokun tuaj !!!!

giovedì 16 maggio 2013

The recipe for the cake with yoghurt and strawberries

Good to Eat, Good to see, A recipe for those who love sweets but MUST careful look at the calories: The Greedy cake with yogurt and strawberries It Really a must in the kitchen More Lightweight and dietetics, perfect to satisfy your hunger sweet without overdoing the calorie. then strawberries are delicious and rich in vitamins. An easy dessert to prepare. Let us come together to prepare it!


  180 grams of flour
100 grams of sugar
 200 grams of creamy white yogurt
150 grams of strawberries
3 eggs
1 packet of baking powder
  1 lemon
 1 pinch of salt
1 tablespoon butter


  First wash and cut a meta Strawberries, because putting them in different basins, and grated lemon zest. In a bowl combine sugar and eggs, combining Also flour, baking powder and sale. Finally united Also yogurt and lemon zest. Then cut Half A bowl of strawberries in Smaller pieces and add to mixture, stirring well. Preheat the oven to 180 ° Butter a round mold and spolverizzalo of flour. Pour the batter in the pan and cook for 40 minutes. Let cool, remove from the mold and cover with a thin layer of plain yogurt finished with the remaining strawberries.

Neurologist wakes up from a coma and said he saw the Paradise "I was skeptical, I now believe"

.. is to declare the neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, argues that it is populated by beings shining, butterflies and pink clouds, talks about his experience.And 'professor at Harvard, in 2008 has been due to a form of meningitis eight days in a coma, waking it is he who tells (non-practicing Christian and highly skeptical about similar accounts made by his patients) its incredible experience, wrote it in a book "Proof of Heaven".Alexander says he was in a place far above the clouds, where they were transparent beings and sparkling, the experience goes back to when he was hit by a bacterial meningitis Escherichia Coli.
During those seven days, his brain was pretty much "off" and no one outside could not imagine what the doctor was experiencing. It would, he said, found in a world of white and pink clouds in a blue sky and dark and there were flocks of luminous beings that left a trail of shiny as they passed.

A blonde girl with blue eyes moving over a carpet of butterflies acts as his guide do not need to talk to her you understand only with the thought, there are three words that have remained in his mind, you are loved and cared for, there is no neinte to be afraid of and there is nothing you can not go wrong.
At the end of the journey, Alexander found himself in a dark huge and comfortable, illumnato a shining ball which he called "a giant cosmic womb." Alexander had never believed the stories about the experiences of his patients on the edge of death, he realizes that colleagues can not believe what he says because even before he was completely skeptical, but now after having lived a fantastic experience as This little doubt the remains, and is convinced that Heaven exists, or at least something that looks like him so much.


School-teacher-beats-by-blows-and-fists-his-students in  ROME - It looks really Asylum of Horrors the kindergarten San Romano in Rome, where for the coordinator and the teacher were tripped arrest. According to the indictment a child forced to clean up his pee, the biggest encouraged to use violence and harassment on smaller nache to children with mental illness. The teacher's verbal humiliationalso concerned children with hardships and difficulties psicoinfantili, which were apostrophe as "Dumb", "filthy" and "bastard." According to the order of arrest, have been so many events
in which the teacher resorted to violence to get
obedience of the pupils, who lived in a climate of terror. Some children, usually the older ones, were incited to violence and denigration of others.
SOME USED AS KAPO 'Some children were used as' kapo towards other younger children, who were between three and four years. This is what emerges from the investigation that led to the arrest of a teacher and director of a public kindergarten in Rome. "Go to him and schiaffeggialo," were the orders that gave the teacher some children to punish others.

Master and laughed DURING ARREST smiled sarcastically in front of agents, during the arrest, teacher arrested by the police with allegations of beatings and ill-treatment against some children of a nursery school in Rome. It is what has been learned from investigative environments. The director of the school, however, has appeared bewildered at the time of the arrest and believed that it was a joke or un'inganno. "You're not real cops," he said. The arrested women are married and have two daughters. To speak of the violence to some parents, in a class of twenty pupils, were also some children.


Ingredients for the base: 250 gr flour, ½ teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons cocoa, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 113 grams of butter, 300 grams of sugar, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 240 ml of buttermilk (or ½ ½ milk and yogurt) 2 teaspoons of red food coloring, 1 teaspoon white vinegar, 1 teaspoon baking soda

Ingredients for the cream: 400 ml cream, 250 grams of Philadelphia; 250 g mascarpone 150 grams of powdered sugar, 1 vial of vanilla

To prepare the Red Velvet Cake Put in a bowl the flour, cocoa, salt and baking powder and stir everything.

Take another bowl and mix the milk with yogurt and red dye. In another bowl and mix the butter with the sugar until frothy. Then add the eggs and mix well, then add the vanilla extract. Put together the 3 composti.Mescolate in a cup vinegar with baking soda and add to the mixture and quickly pour everything into 2 tortiere.Infornate and cook for 25 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 ° C

Moving on to the topping: Do you work at the cheese with the sugar, stir in the whipped cream then previously, and stir to form a glaze Cut each cake in half horizontally so you get 4 layers of cake. Take one of the layers of the cake place it on a serving dish and spread a layer of icing. Above you put another layer of cake and continue alternately adding layer of cake and cream. Cover the entire surface of the Red Velvet Cake with Red Velvet Cake crema.Lasciare rest in the fridge for at least 2 hours before serving at the table.

martedì 7 maggio 2013

Bee's "sweeps" turtle tears

This is astonishing moment when a bee "deletes" a turtle tears. Images are captured by 39-year-old Oliver Dangles, YASUNI national park in Ecuador.

This is the first time that such a phenomenon is observed. Experts know that bees make salt in a particular way and this is the first time something like this document.