venerdì 5 aprile 2013

Even coffee has its damages

You bring negative facts about coffee on the basis of which coffee is considered as harmful as smoking. Also part of special importance and dependence shqetësusese is that most coffee and not have to renounce the possibility of the same ...
 Coffee, which is the main composition of kasės, is equally harmful to the body as smoking itself, say British experts. On the other hand Dr. Jack James stumulative says that this substance can cause premature death, and all of us who consume coffee some day, we are not aware of the huge amount we put into the body and causing much damage to yourself with this negative habit .
 Jack James also writes that despite the amount of caffeine that we receive by drinking coffee, this substance also found nëpijet various carbonated beverages, energy drinks, yogurt and chewing gum at the different. But according to statistics and studies, a sufficient amount of caffeine safely in an individual organism is 400 milligrams, except that pregnant women should not take more than 200 milligrams, and children not more than 75 milligrams.

Another disturbing part is that we know the consequences, but again I do not want to know labors improvements. the fact that a large part of njerrëzve have begun to consume coffee at the young age of 15 -19 years, it is very difficult to give up. From a British survey attended by 1700 people, has reached the conclusion that 90% of them have coffee drinking routine and dining associated with each possible, without taking into account the risk that excessive drinking causes and introduction the caffeine in the body ...

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