lunedì 29 aprile 2013

Smart women make men more healthy

From a recent study has shown that a smart woman has a positive impact on the health of a man.
This opinion is confirmed by the Experts from Sweden. The experiment included 1.5 million pairs. Results of the study made ​​it possible to understand the impact of education on the health of a woman her husband .. At the same time, the intelligence of man has no similar effect.

According to the researchers, these results are due to the fact that women often take important decisions regarding family lifestyle, especially when a diet. As rrejedhojë, the quality of decision-making depends on how education has wife. Many things depend on her knowledge.
Even man is a key figure in the family, because sometimes he has to perform with the role of the main financier of the family. The amount of earnings affects living conditions and quality of food products. Also influences the question of how often the family can rest. These factors are very important for health. Fake above the lead scientists to a conclusion, a male, if you marry a smart woman, lives longer.

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