giovedì 4 aprile 2013

How not sweat

You know, sweating helps your body maintain the right temperature ...

But sweating is a problem: here are tips to stay padjersitur in all circumstances. We all djersinim when it is hot, for so our body regulates its temperature. The hypothalamus, located in the brain serves to maintain an average temperature of 37 ° C. A small increase in temperature causes the sweat glands, located in our skin to function more or less to regulate body temperature.

Tips against sweat:

Have a good hygiene is basic: take a shower every day and use a deodorant (which kills the bacteria that cause odors) or antiperspirant (which blocks the flow of sweat in the pores of the skin). Depilation is also needed. Avoid synthetic materials and very thick fabrics or garments attached behind the body.

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